Centre Culturel Russe au Sénégal

Artistes GITIS illuminent le GTN! GITIS artists illuminate GTN! Артисты ГИТИСа освещают БНT!

RCC Kalinka: fashion show in Buryatia- РКЦ Калинка: модный показ в Бурятии

2nd RCCKalinka participation-2ème participation CCRKalinka-2ое участие РКЦКалинка - ForumKazan 2024

KazanForum 2023 - Souvenirs .... Memories ....Воспоминания....

In partnership with the Museum Sviyajsk, CCR Kalinka exhibited photos and info about St Louis et Goree, both UNESCO heritage places

RTDG is CCR Kalinka's most high profile event, where designers, partners, guests and membres will have the dinner to remember

CCR Kalinka's guests from Tatarstan decorated the wall of a primary school in reminder of friendship and peace

During the preparation and the planned events, CCR Kalinka was lucky to meet with great partners and friends

CCR Kalinka in collaboration with the Tatar Musem of Sviyajsk and the Tatarstan Government organised the 1st Russian Artists Exhibition during the 2022 Biennale in Dakar center.

With Amadou Dabo and Crescendo, CCR Kalinka organised an afternoon of piano classic presentation by Dabo's students. Memorable.

CCR Kalinka joined forces with the KSORC from Senegal to remember the Victory of the 2nd World War

A new friendship and partnership has opened up for CCR Kalinka with VGIK, the most famous Russian Cinematic Institut

Great collaborations in perspective following 1st presentation with students and partners from Tatarstan

