Until 1992, collaboration between Senegal and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was enhanced and sustained by several factors, including the presence of expat professors, an Aeroflot agency, but above all by its Russian Cultural Centre, which was overlooking the Independence Square, above the café “Rond Point”.
Today, there is a new dynamic in Senegalese-Russian relations. Already for more than 5 years, Russian tourists have increased in numbers, Russian entrepreneurs have settled in several key sectors of the Senegalese economy and the constant flow of young scholarship holders sent to learn the language, culture and university subjects in Russia.
However, many gaps remain to be filled, notably in training, with easier access to the spoken language, improving qualifications for Russian teachers in secondary schools and universities in Senegal, and sharing both Russian and Senegalese cultures, of which many cultural facts are similar... but above all, allow the Senegalese people to discover the true Russian culture, far from Western media.
This observation has been reinforced with an ever-increasing presence of a mixed community of both cultures through mixed couples and Russian immigrants. All call for dedicated exchanges that could fill the gaps identifie, and strengthen the growing cultural, educational and social links between our two great nations.
A dozen people of varied profiles and various skills came together to look for a way to make happen what everyone is asking for, without success: a Russian Cultural Centre in Dakar. They formed the Association "Alliance for Russian Culture”.
Presentation of the Association
"Alliance for Russian Culture"
The "Alliance for Russian Culture" association is a non-profit, social organisation made up of volunteers living in Senegal and, in particular, in Dakar. Following recommendations made by the Senegalese authorities, the association filed a civil program requesting the Minister of Culture and the President of the Senegalese Republic government to grant an empty or built space, in working conditions or to be rebuilt, to make it the home of the Russian Cultural Centre " KALINKA ".
In addition to this request, the association approached all Russian non-governmental organisations that could help build the centre. Several Russian companies, as well as Senegalese, have promised donations that could help to equip the various activities and services that the Centre will be able to offer to Senegalese people as to any resident in Senegal.
Also, it invites any Senegalese, Russian or other resident in Senegal to become a member of the association, in order to help develop the centre and to be able to take advantage of preferential rates for any event or activity organised by the centre.
The CCR counts on members to have a pool of volunteers who can help cover the multiple points of duty needed. Our goal is to create enough activities and services at low cost or free, in order to open the centre to a maximum number of people, but also to cover its expenses, making the centre autonomous and independent, without becoming a constraint neither to the Senegalese government, which has given it its space, nor to the various organisations that support it.
The association, with its statutes, rules and procedure, will be the nucleus of operation of the Russian Cultural Centre, thus enabling it to capitalise on the many members and volunteers who will be participants, but also, giving it a structured framework as an entity vis-à-vis the Senegalese society, the Senegalese state and the Russian state.
Since the objective of the association and the centre is to share the Russian and Senegalese cultures, everything that would allow this synergy, this exchange will be considered, studied, proposed, organised and developed.
Sectors such as theatre, cinema, singing, music, reading, visual arts, sport, games, animation, language, etc. are only a glimpse of the activities that can bring the centre and the Russian-Senegalese relationship to life in a new dynamic.
Purpose of the Russian Cultural Centre:
The main objective of the Centre will be to familiarise Senegalese society, both in Dakar and in the regions, with Russian and Slavic culture, society, values, customs and traditions, but also, it will be a gateway to present to Russia the beauty and complexity of the African peoples in West Africa.
Mission of the Russian Cultural Centre:
Hence its main mission will be to train, discover and challenge the past dogmas received by our respective societies on the basis of the popularisations and inherited prejudices. This mission will be a double mission with various training activities and available services to all through the centre.